First question - Representation e.g on newspaper, of gender, social class or ethnicity
Reception theory (Stuart hall) - Different types of readers; oppositional, negotiated and dominant/preferred.
Dominant: Clear message, relevant to reader
Negotiated: Cannot relate to the message, but gets the message
Oppositional: Dislikes the reading as a whole, cannot relate
Cognitive surplus(Clay Shirkey): The free time that people have on their hands to engage in collaborative activities, specially as applies to web 2.0.
Second question - Gaming question e.g Minecraft
Production, distribution and consumption (3 paragraphs)
converging platforms - xbox, ps4, pc, etc coming to together
how is tech evolving, how does it help ppl
Third question - film
Black panther + Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Vertical integration - Production, Distribution and Consumption. x3
Ownership of the film industry(terminology like conglomerate, subsidiaries, oligopoly > multiple companies dominate the market.)
Role of technology in these movies(3D, 4DX, etc)
Fourth question - Advertising x3
color scheme
direct address
topics to revise on!
-advertising - textual analysis, shot, image, mis-en-scene, persuasive techniques
3-4 questions on news, representation, audience, ownership/political context, langage/image analysis: two front cover, compare
theories: shirkey, effects theory, stuart hall, news values