Sunday 12 November 2017

Paywalls: For and Against

1. What does David Simon mean by 'slow suicide'? What he means, is that if people don't subscribe to their newspapers, their industry will slowly collapse until there is NO industry left.

2. The people who are anti-paywall, they don't understand journalism because it's not who they are, they don't know how hard it is to be a journalist; ". It costs money to cover a metro region, or a nation"

3. Journalism is a profession because it's a hard job to get and it requires hard working people to do it, it's not easy to go out and 'cover a metro region or a nation', it can't just be done by anyone, it requires careers.

4. Many people have paid for the New York Times because it covers a lot of different material, it's also interests people who use social media, because on the New York Times website, they have audio files that people can listen to. e.g: "

Listen to ‘The Daily’

Stephen K. Bannon, a former Trump adviser, speaks to The New York Times about the future of the Republican Party, white nationalism and more." 
Further, it targets a range of different types of audiences e.g middle aged women.

 5. What he means by "band-aid to cover bullet hole" is that, it'll be pointless to cover up the damage because it'll keep happening again and again. 

6. $1 a month for Facebook because 

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