Thursday 2 November 2017

Newspaper Industry Introduction.


Do you consume news? No.

How/where do you consume the news: Through TV, radio, social media sites e.g twitter(??) word of mouth, journeys, on the train - physical printed papers,

I don't consume news, but my mom does, she listens to the TV when she gets ready for work. The reason why some people watch and listen to the news is because they want to know what is happening around the world, or what is happening around the area that they live in, it's also good for young people because it helps develop their reading and writing skills. People can consume the news in various ways such as radio, social media sites e.g Facebook, whilst some actually buy physical printed papers, for example, when they're on a train. Some people consume it through websites like The Guardian, which is a very popular news site. Non-news websites, in my opinion, are considered untrustworthy sources because they don't have the efficient evidence to support their claims.

You are the owner of a national newspaper. You want to increase profits. What do you do?

Pros and Cons

Hire more journalists to cover a bigger range of events.
Pros: They'd get more stories, get more money
Cons: They'd probably be hard to find, hard to cover a big range of events(may not cover all of the material)
Put more ‘sponsored content’ online and in your paper.
Pros: having sponsored content would increase chances of making more money, high demand, readers will benefit from the content,
Cons:: needs time, can be deceptive(might not trust it as much), some viewers may not be able to tell the difference between the normal content and the sponsored content, it can put off readers due to irrelevant interests

Sack journalists
Pros: Less budget, you save money
Cons: Less information

Make journalists tweet more.
Pros: If they tweet about it, more people will know about the issues that are going round
Cons: Not many people use social media or even use Twitter.

Make journalists write about celebrities more.
Pros: People are nosy and like to read about that stuff
Cons: Invading privacy

Increase cost of paper
Pros: People will start reading it online and will get money
Cons: Less people will buy the papers

Put up ‘paywall’

Pros: You get the money
Cons: Less customers because people have to pay in order to get their newspaper

Ask readers to write more stories (for free)

Shut down your paper (go online only)
Pros: You can find things more easily, and a lot of people will read the paper since many people are on social media sites
Cons: Not everyone has internet e.g older generations don't really use social media

Decrease price of newspaper (or make it free)

Pros: More people will buy the paper, more money for the people who publish the newspaper

Conglomerate - a thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are grouped together e.g big company that owns smaller companies,

Oligopoly - a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers,


What newspapers do they own: The Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, MailOnline, Metro
What companies do they own?: 

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