Monday 22 January 2018


There are many gaming genres, and most of them are similar to movie genres.
  • Action adventure games
  • Shooter games
  • RPG
  • MMO
  • Sandbox rpg - Minecraft; A world that involve lots of free-roaming and freedom.
  • Simulation: The Sims games.
  • Strategy - World of Warcraft
  • Sports - Fifa
Case study of Tera:
    • MMO - massively multiplayer online role-playing game

  • Tera is aimed at a demographic audience of 16+ and can be played by both genders. The audience can vary from different countries, doesn't really matter, the audience are mostly from the US and the UK. Social classes doesn't really matter either, because the game doesn't specify for which type of people can play it, it can be played by working-class or upper-class.

  • The game appeals to the audience because of it's different structures, for example, the graphics in the game is quite attractive and of high quality, which would therefore attract the audience and would want to make them play the game. Further, the character customization, again, is quite good, but it'd only attract certain type of people because the character customization doesn't have much choice in what the player can choose their character to look like e.g hair, so it'd only attract the type of people who aren't too fussy as to how their character would look like. The questing in the game is also quite good and pretty straight forward, making it easy for the audience to interact with the game.

  • The game can be consumed through PC, you can also get it through Steam, which is a programme that allows people to buy games from. However, if you are a dedicated player, then you may spend your money on it e.g when you want to buy your character armour and weapons. Related image

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