Monday 15 January 2018

Newspapers and Politics (revision material 2)

  • In the UK, “the press” is free, and most journalists believe this is fundamental to a democratic society. This means that newsmakers should seek out and circulate news, information, ideas, comment and opinion and hold those in authority to account. The press provides the platform for a multiplicity of voices to be heard.

  • This means that newspapers are allowed to express opinions, and this includes political views.  After the 2011 phone hacking scandals involving a range of newspapers, a major report was published, by Lord Leveson.  As a result, a new press regulator, IPSO, was set up.  The aim was to ensure the press was more tightly regulated, which might have meant less freedom than under the previous system, where the press regulated itself.

  • Historically, newspapers have had well-established links with political parties.  Sometimes owners give substantial donations to parties they support.  In the lead up to a elections, newspapers have openly supported and criticised parties.  

  • News Corp is a UK newspaper group and it is part of a much bigger global conglomerate.

Left and Right wing: 

You will often hear people talk about ‘left wing’ and ‘right wing’ - but what does it mean? It means what people believe a country should do for its citizens.
In the UK, left wing politics are those traditionally aligned with the Labour party, and right wing are those traditionally aligned with the conservatives.

Image result for daily mail immigrationThe Daily Mail is right winged; The right wing is against the idea of benefits because they believe people should be more independent and pay for themselves. Right wing beliefs value tradition, they are about fairness, survival of the fittest, and they believe in economic freedom.
They typically believe that business shouldn’t be regulated, and that we should all look after ourselves.
Right wing people tend to believe they shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s education or health service.
They believe in freedom to succeed over equality.
Image result for daily mail benefits

Image result for the guardian poverty newspaper
Image result for the guardian left wingThe Guardian is left-wing because left wing beliefs are usually progressive in nature, they look to the future, aim to support those who cannot support themselves, are idealist and believe in equality.
People who are left wing believe in taxation to redistribute opportunity and wealth - things like a national health service, and job seeker’s allowance are fundamentally left wing ideas.
They believe in equality over the freedom to fail.

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