Tuesday 13 November 2018

Big Issue Question due Wed.

How does the Big Issue cover you have studied use media language to construct an alternative representation of an event / group / issue? (10 marks)
What could you include:
  • Image- connotations, choices, how it addresses the target audience (and who are they), how we read the image
  • The text- what choices have been made and how do they interact with the image?
  • Context- the event/ group/ issue being portrayed and its relationship to social / cultural / political events
  • How it is different or similar to other covers we have looked at

In the cover of The Big Issue, with the use of Barthes and Semiotics theory, we see Paddington being denoted in the center wearing a blue coat with a luggage bag in his hand, who is also seen to be waving to the target audience - we also know this as he is looking directly into the shot, creating direct address. As we can see,the overall layout and composition of this influential cover is, it consists of a blue and yellow scheme, a cover line n the middle and a focal point to Paddington, which could connote that the audience should be paying attention to him , as he is also possibly the anchorage here. The masthead here also contrasts with the background, which makes it more appealing for the audience. Further, the magazine's cover line says "One of us" and since Paddington is the center of the attention here, the cover line can reflect the fact that since he is an immigrant, there are also vendors who are immigrants, this can also be signified by the pronoun "us", as it is inclusive. As a whole, the narrative of this cover established, is the fact that the bear - Paddington, is a metaphor for vendors; homeless people and immigrants. Not to mention that the overall style of The Big Issue has its own brand identity; the home-made aesthetic, which is inter textual and synergistic to homelessness. 

The clear message it's giving here is migration and immigration. It also reflects homelessness in a happy and warm way by the use of the metaphor - Paddington, as he is a bear and is friendly and warm. In terms of political and social context, again, the idea of the message here is about the concerns of immigration and the big idea of Brexit and how voters are against this idea as it raises issues/concerns of immigration. However, this doesn't only target that specific type of audience, it also appeals to children and families, as they've used a symbol of love and warmth - Paddington and this can further be emphasized by the theme aswell, which is Christmas, which again, holds connotations of love and warmth. 

1 comment:

  1. Some pertinent ideas here Neila and you grasp the Big Issue's brand identify, and unpack some of the connotations on the front cover, with use of media language. You need to add structure (introduction, main body, conclusion) and expand your analysis to unpack intertextual references and the notion of immigration and how it links to homelessness. V
