Tuesday 26 September 2017

Changing platforms, advertising and audience - individual/group

1. To summarise the article, the answer is simple; Newspapers were once important, however the internet soon took over and people have been influenced by it, so they don't like them anymore. However, people tried to come up with new ideas, such as native advertising.

2. What is native advertising, branded content and targeted advertising?

Native advertising: When an advert is made to look like the content.

Branded content: The content is within the brand.

Targeted advertising: When the music video has the product in it, e.g the singer is holding the product. 

MagicBroom Advert Analysis.

MagicBroom Advertisement Analysis

At the start, the advert opens up with a clear mis-en-scene; a girl walking into a restroom, with a use of long shot, this is significant because it denotes what the girl is wearing and we can also see what the background behind her is, and we can also hear the diegetic sound as well. Further, the camera is then zoomed into the trash (or it could also be a close-up), which was one of the props for the advert, this again, is significant because it emphases how dirty the restroom is, and this is when the product comes in; MagicBroom, the reason as to why it's called MagicBroom is because we originally got the idea/theme from Harry Potter, as the advertisement was of a broom, we linked the broom with the movie Harry Potter, hence we wanted to make the advertisement magical, which connotes the significance of the product, as well as it increases the ethos, which means credibility; product's worth. Moreover, the angles in this advert is only at eye level, which the camera is placed at the subject's height, making it look completely neutral. 

Tuesday 19 September 2017


Persuasive Techniques.

Persuasive Techniques.

Ethos - Credibility.

Logos - Logic; facts and figures.

Pathos - Emotion; most powerful, trying to connection with the buyer on an emotional level.

Reward - physical or psychological.
Punishment - This is often done quite subtly, suggesting to an audience that, if you don't own a particular object that they are selling, something particularly bad will happen to you, this is also a form of manipulation.
Bandwagon - Enjoying the product everyone is using, makes the person jump onto the bandwagon and buy the product.
Experts - By enlisting an 'expert' to sell the product, can give a brand credibility.
Emotional appeal - seek positive, warm emotions.
Testimonial - 'The man on the street' can also give credibility to a brand.

Maybelline Brow Fiber TV Advert Analysation.

Maybelline Brow Fiber Tv Advert.
This advertisement opens up with a mid-shot, which means we can see the model from the waist up. In the mis-en-scene, we can clearly see that the model is wearing black, the colour code convention of black connotes dominance and power, which signifies that the product is making the model look quite superior, and then hence, it’d make its demographic audience (female, ages between 15-21) look powerful. Further, as the advertisement goes on, a use of a close up shot is denoted, the eyes of the model are shown, whilst everything else is blurred, this can also be a use of depth of field shot, where everything is blurred out, except for one certain object – in this case, the model. The use of this close up shot and depth of field shot, connotes the use of the product and it reveals its results more clearly. Furthermore, one shot is completely in black and white, however the area where the object is used, is in a full, golden colour, again, the significance of this colour code convention, holds connotations of elegancy, power, wealth, etc, which again, could signify the products worth and results. There is also a use of reward - a persuasive technique, so if a person was to buy it, they'd be rewarded appearance-wise, with a further use of statistics; "Britain's number one", meaning that the product is of very good quality, which comforts to the use of it's ethos, making the product very valuable and worthy of use. The use of soundtrack in this advertisement is not heard as much, this may be because there is a narrator, telling the audience how worthy and good the product is, trying to persuade them into buying it. However, the soundtrack is quite dominant-sounding, it's the type of soundtrack that would make the audience feel powerful as they walk down the street.