Tuesday 19 September 2017

Persuasive Techniques.

Persuasive Techniques.

Ethos - Credibility.

Logos - Logic; facts and figures.

Pathos - Emotion; most powerful, trying to connection with the buyer on an emotional level.

Reward - physical or psychological.
Punishment - This is often done quite subtly, suggesting to an audience that, if you don't own a particular object that they are selling, something particularly bad will happen to you, this is also a form of manipulation.
Bandwagon - Enjoying the product everyone is using, makes the person jump onto the bandwagon and buy the product.
Experts - By enlisting an 'expert' to sell the product, can give a brand credibility.
Emotional appeal - seek positive, warm emotions.
Testimonial - 'The man on the street' can also give credibility to a brand.

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