Sunday 25 February 2018

Cross platform gaming reading.

1. Give a definition of cross-platform gaming: 

When you can play a game on different platforms such as on Xbox, PC, mobile, etc 

2. Why is Microsoft's "Better Together" update so exciting for the gaming world?

It's exciting for the gaming world and for the users because it's different versions of Minecraft being consolidated into one master version, with the same features, functionality and content. So, the console versions of Minecraft on Xbox One will now run the same version of Minecraft as PCs, mobile and VR. It's also exciting because creating a single version of Minecraft across all these platforms is that cross-play will be possible between these Minecraft games. 

3. Why might there be concerns over online child protection? kids would be exposed to older and different types of people maybe

4. cross-platform gaming, pros and cons: 

  • You will reach a broader audience and most likely get a bigger fan base than you already had.
  • You can most likely reuse a large quantity of your code and artwork.
  • You will save time and money by working on an already finished product.
  • You get experience in creating games on different platforms which is great to have in your portfolio.
  • It is a great way to advertise yourself and your abilities as well as you game.
The cons:
    • It will be expensive and time consuming to design on multiple platforms. (But less expensive and time consuming than making entirely new games)
    • The framework you are using may not support every feature of every operating system. If for instance iOS, Android or Windows Phone get a new feature, you will have to update the framework to support the changes.

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