Thursday 8 February 2018

Walt Disney Studios

Walt Disney Studios

Founded by Walt and his brother in 1923
Started by making short animations to be shown as part of a cinema programme
1928 Steamboat Willie (1st Mickey Mouse)

1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1st feature length animation) Distributed by RKO
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Snow White 1937 
Jealous of Snow White's beauty, the wicked queen orders the murder of her innocent stepdaughter, but later discovers that Snow White is still alive and hiding in a cottage with seven friendly little miners. Disguising herself as a hag, the queen brings a poisoned apple to Snow White, who falls into a death-like sleep that can be broken only by a kiss from the prince.

  • Image result for snow white merch
  • Image result for snow white merch
  • Box Office $7 million
  • 1950 - First ‘live action’ films start
  • 1950 - Starts working in TV
  • 1955 - Mickey Mouse Club on TV
  • 1955 - Disneyland opens
  • 1964 - Mary Poppins released (nominated for Oscars)
  • 1966 - Walt dies
  • Snow White is in the top 10.
  • Re-released: 1944, 1952, 1958, 1967, 1975, 1983, 1987 and 1993 
  • It was the first blockbuster of the sound era

  • How does Disney make money?
  • Media Networks(tv),
  • Parks and Resorts(domestic and international) ,
  • Studio Entertainment(theatrical distribution,
  • home entertainment),
  • Consumer goods(licensed products, retail),
  • Interactive(games)
  • Related image

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