Friday 9 March 2018

Exam structure.

Exam structure:
  • Intro - define key terms, explain case studies - indicate key differences (3 mins) (¼ page?)
  • Main Body 1 - SWSD background in p,d,e (7 mins) (¾ page?)
  • SWSD
    How was it produced?
    How was it distributed?
    How was it exhibited?

  • Main Body 2 - BP detailed examples (10 mins - in comparison) (1 page?)
  • BP
    How was it produced differently?
    How was it distributed differently?
    How was it exhibited differently?
    10 mins

  • Conclusion - Bring together and answer question (what main differences, any similarities?) Future question? (5 mins) (½ page?)

    What are the main differences?
    What are the main similarities?
    What does the future of the film industry hold? (1 sentence)

Explain the differences in production, distribution and exhibition between SWSD and BP
Keywords to define.
Explain case studies (1 sentence)
Outline key differences (1 sentence)

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