Monday 19 March 2018


Types of music video:
  • Performance - Lip synch, live performance, choreographed/free style dance, playing instrument
  • Narrative- storyline theme/motifs; linear / non-linear e.g Taylor Swift's 'love story' music video
  • Conceptual - abstract set of motifs that may have no obvious link to the lyric
Things to analyse -
  • Camera: angles, shot size, camera movement, framing
  • Editing: cutting rate/rhythm (to the rhythm/beat?) types of cut (matched, jump, cutaways(e.g singing about a text, the camera shows the text), transitions, effects (SPX)
  • Mis-en-scene: costume, make-up, props, location, lighting
  • Lip synch and authorage(signature basically) / star quality, which links to...
  • Representation: of the star, sexuality, gender, ethnicity/culture, subculture(emo, punk, etc) and genre, personality, celebrity and consumerism
  • Audience: and how the video "positions" them; the male gaze
Example: Beyoncé's "If I was a boy"
  • Narrative - linear. whole day. she's imagining how it feels to be her boyfriend.
  • Very closely links to the lyrics.
  • Performance - Lip synching, direct address to the audience(so the audience can feel how she feels)
  • Long/mid shot to show narrative, cutting rate in synch with beat.
  • Black and white editing - reflects mood, gender inequality
  • Masculinity and femininity gender roles.

Weapon of Choice

Drab colours; hotel lobby, boring suit
Bizzare dancing, "flying" using wires
Long shot
Editing rate varies according to tempo
Starts/finishes slow, builds up then down.

Finesse by Bruno Mars
Performance - choreographed & lip synch
Mis-en-scene - retro 90's RnB feeling, clothing, hairstyles,
Editing - Long shots, track shot(follows the person) dynamic(moving all the time), low angle shots; makes the person look superior & powerful
Representation - Makes Cardi B look powerful and independent

  • By nature hard to define, but might include:
  • A mix and match aesthetic, taking influences from a range of genres
  • “Look” is as important / more important than “meaning”
  • Blurring of time, space
  • Unconventional, highly non-linear narrative
  • Mixing up types of narration, for example first and third, which might lead to…
  • Breaking the fourth wall
  • Intertextuality: when there are deliberate references made to other media products, and the music video is only understood if this reference is understood by the audience. This  “poachy” and involves “remix”

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