Tuesday 27 March 2018

Fashion Magazines.

Form + Conventions
  • Vogue
  • Dazed
  • GQ
  • Harper's Bazaar
  • i-D

Lifestyle magazines, such as Pride, Esquire and Grazia, will include fashion editorial and advertising.

 i-D and Dazed

i-D: Does not have the traditional masthead that goes across horizontally, but is on the left side of the model, whereas Dazed:  Has a masthead that goes across behind the model. i-D doesn't really conform to the high-end clothing trends, whereas Dazed sort of does.

Traditional/high end fashion magazines
  • Masthead goes in front or behind the model and is usually horizontal
  • Coverlines
  • 3 colour scheme
  • white, slim women
  • Serif(feminine) typography.
  • Women were white and slim.
  • Sexualised usually.

  • Aimed more at an older demographic
Edgy/alternative fashion magazines
  • Masthead can be vertical OR horizontal.
  • Coverlines (sometimes one e.g i-D)
  • Sans serif typography.


  • Doll-like? Edgy?
  • Non-white

  • More diverse
  • Young demographic

> Research edgy magazines like i-D and Dazed.

contents page
  • roles - helps audience find contents of mag
  • include ALL editorial (material created by journalists on mag, NOT advertising)
  • page numbers chronological
  • sub headings to organise contents into categories

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